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HVAC Cooling And Air Conditioning Industry

Today, the role of industrial cooling technology in our lives is of great significance. Various areas such as frozen foods, dried fruits and vegetables, temperature-controlled warehouses, and high-tech facilities or server cooling systems, are indispensable for modern cooling technology and high-tech installations. In this context, requirements for availability, safety, and leak-proofing have significantly increased in recent years.

Pumps used in cooling systems must be compatible with continuously evolving machines and systems. For instance, the new 'F-gas regulation' has led to a more widespread use of refrigerants such as ammonia (R717, NH3) and carbon dioxide (R744, CO2). This situation has brought along increased requirements for leak-proofing and component sizing along with the vapor pressure of these refrigerants. In other applications such as the distribution of water or water-glycol mixtures, the reliability and ease of use of pumps are also of great importance.

HVAC Soğutma ve İklimlendirme Endüstrisi

Cooling technology pumps are used in various areas. For example, in large systems, pumps transport the refrigerant fluid (e.g., ammonia, carbon dioxide) to individual evaporators. In such applications, specially designed pumps are preferred, considering the challenging conditions caused by leak-proofing and low temperatures. Refrigerant vapor is compressed in the compressor circuit, cooled, converted back to liquid form, and returns to the reservoir. These fluids are generally transported to the points to be cooled through a common supply network, via pumps.

Applications for the HVAC Cooling and Air Conditioning Industry

  • Ambient cooling
  • Cold storage
  • Facility cooling
  • Server cooling
  • Recooling (recirculation)
  • Freeze drying
  • Deep freezing
  • Cooling facilities
  • Ground freezing systems
  • Cryogenic applications
  • Air conditioning / industrial air conditioning systems
  • Ammonia (NH3)
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Oils
  • Water
  • Water-glycol mixtures


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